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Certifications | Cisco Collaboration

UCCX Agent Precision

Be careful , an UCCX agent can only belong to only 1 Resource Group but an UCCX agent can have multiple skills.

So depending your implemention, please consider first on how to define your agents properly before to assign them to a Resource Group or to skills.

UCCX Check / Reminder

Here are some stuff regarding the UCCX .

First of all , please check that under the menu Subsystems>Cisco Media , you have well CTI port defined. It is depending on your license.

For reminder , the JTAPI User is the user which will control the CTI Route Point and the CTI Ports ( Everything must be populated via the appadmin).

Jtapi User

The RmCM user is the user which must control the agent extension and the supervisors. Don’t forget also to define under your agent/supervisor agent the primary line and the IPCC extension.

RmCm User

Define then the Telephony Call Control Group that you will use to define the amount of CTI ports that you will use for your script/applications. Don’t forget to click on the Show More button in order to configure correctly your ports

Call Control Group Definition

In your application script , the Maximum Number of Sessions has to match the CTI port that you have defined in your call control group. If it is not the case, then you can encounter the conditions where you will hit the default script message so the message “Sorry  we are experiencing ……”.

Script Application Definition

The Minimum MGCP configuration

Here is a basic stuff to implement the mgcp config

ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
ccm-manager redundant-host
ccm-manager mgcp

ccm-manager music-on-hold
ccm-manager config server
mgcp call-agent service-type mgcp version 0.1
mgcp bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.102
mgcp bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0.102

mgcp profile default

SNR – Side Effect

Hi ,

Take care to the fact that any change under Remote Destination Configuration will disable the Mobility. So in order to test it , don’t forget to enable it again if you need to test it .

Proctor Labs Solution

As said in my previous post, I’m still lacking the lab section so I decided this 05th April to rent a rack by ProctorLabs ( www.proctorlabs.com). The solution that they offer is incredible but is also not so cheap. It is worth to try it as you can manipulate the core with all their routers and cards.

The only problems for the first time was to connect correctly to the rack as the config that they sent you is good but not complete at all so you definitively need  to review it before you can process your lab. When you don’t know how to process with their connectivities , it is really amazing the time that you can lose .

But next time if I need , I have a template that I can apply to have a quicker setup .


Still trying to make a lab

Hi ,

Since the last update , I’m still working on deploy a home lab with GNS 3 and Vmware image. Still no luck as last week one of my servers crashed. The result was that one DD3 memory is dead …. I can’t tell you how it is funny to discover that once it happened , nothing stay anymore stable. No more possibility to register my remote sites and phones are very slow on the network. I can imagine that GNS3 is taking soo much memories that it sucks my network.

Now still looking to have a real hardware, I’m nearly on the process to have one but still missing some E1/T1 cards to perform it .

Will try to chase for extra-hardware ….

See the results soon 😉