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Olivier | Cisco Collaboration
Cisco Champions 2017

Cisco Champions 2017

Cisco Champions 2017

The first time that I heard about the Cisco Champions program, it was back late in November 2015.

At that time, I saw the form to submit his application but probably with lack of time and being busy with a lot of projects , deployments and software releases. I didn’t catch the time to present me as a possible candidate.

What is the Cisco Champions program?

In the below video, you can find already a good definition of what the program is and why I’ve applied to the program.

Indeed, by participating in this program, my objectives were :

  • to peer more with my fellow colleagues around the world
  • to participate in discussions about Collaborations product/solutions
  • to share my knowledge about my work and my experience
  •  …
and so see also what can be the problems , the challenges that my peers can experience on a daily basis.

On the Cisco Community, here are also some other useful datas that you find about the program.

I’m really encouraging you to subscribe to the community in order to find relevant news about all track where you are engaged !

Click on the link to reach the Cisco Community Portal

So when the application form came back in November 2016, this time , I jumped on the occasion to register myself as a candidate and so far I didn’t regret it a moment !!!

it was planned to receive feedback by mid January 2017 but on the portal , they have announced then that it was pushed until the 1st February 2017 to receive some feedback.

Cisco Champions Announcement


So as you have seen above, since the 1st February, all people enrolled into the Cisco Champion program have received the good news via mail.

So it is a great honor and I’m very proud to announce you that I will be a Cisco Champion this year.

And so far, I didn’t regret my choice!!!

#CiscoChampion 2017

Indeed , even if it is only one week that we (all new champions and all the old ones) have joined the adventure. I can already see that the infrastructure and the support inside the team is very huge and impressive. I really appreciate this spirit

A lot of useful information has been already presented on the Community which begins surely to be active and will be a great source of news.

It is really a pleasure to be part of this and we can see also this great engagement in all the Spark Champions rooms and this is already a good omen that this year will be a very rewarding year !!!

Once again , Congrats and Welcome to all Champions !!!

Thanks for your reading

Migration to collaboration.ksiazek.be

Migration to collaboration.ksiazek.be

Migration to collaboration.ksiazek.be


As announced last week, I’m in the process of the migration of my old blog http://ccievoice.ksiazek.be to the new portal here ( https://collaboration.ksiazek.be).

Once again, as said before , the blog will be more a generic Cisco Collaboration blog and will not be anymore related only to the CCIE Certification.

I will begin again to post articles about the actuality but also about configuration, troubleshooting , design and so on.

This is the first step of the migration as the layout of the blog will change radically compared to the old blog but Rome was not done in one day so be patient in the redesign phase.

Here are already some enhancements that I can present you:

  • New Layout
  • Secure Site (SSL)
  • New Categories organisation
  • More Visual
  • More Setup / Code
  • More Integration (Twitter / Spark , …)

These are only a couple of some innovations but let’s stay tuned in order to see how the blog is evolving and don’t hesitate to keep me informed of what you think , you want to see , how you want the blog evolve and so …

I will see if it will be the definitive layout or not in the upcoming weeks when I will migrate all old posts.

Thanks for your reading

SparkBoard Announcements #LeaveYourMark

SparkBoard Announcements #LeaveYourMark

SparkBoard Announcements #LeaveYourMark

Yesterday , it was a Cisco Live Broadcast Event where Rowan has introduced the new product SparkBoard and this is completing the Spark product with whiteboard and still integrated in the cloud with Spark so that you can access it from anywhere .

This system will enhance also the way of performing Videoconferencing as you don’t have anymore the need to connect to a video system.

Just perform a connection to your Spark account and then you are good to continue .

Let’s wait then to try it in live 🙂

Look at the video to see a demo

New Things are coming on :)

New Things are coming on :)

New Things are coming on 🙂

Ok back on trail in 2017 , I really need to revamp my blog 🙂 .

This is why I will try to jump again on the blog and begin to publish more things in regards with the Collaboration stuffs .

It will not be just in regards with the CCIE Certification but it will become in the upcoming weeks , just a Cisco Collaboration blog where I and you can share your stuffs .

So in the upcoming weeks , pay also attention that the website will change to become more attractive and I will see also what I will migrate in the new layout as a lot of datas are now outdated

See you soon in the next week