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Certifications | Cisco Collaboration

Time to start again

Ok after 10 days of rest, it is time to lab again as I want to pass my lab again in July.

Now the only things that will change is that I can’t work anymore with my own rack as my company has requested it back .

So now moving with IPX sessions. I have just asked them some clarifications to benefit fully of their infrastructure .


Results are in : Voice Lab 1 – Oliver 0 :(

Hi guys ,

After a long wait , I got finally the result and it was not a success status but well a failed status .

So need to prepare again for next attempt …..

But it was already a good experience to be there and one thing very important is the time management and try to not be sick that day , It helps you to be very focused on the lab.


Here We are , Big Day is for Tomorrow

Hey ,

Tomorrow will be the big day when I will attempt the voice Lab for the first time in Brussels. Lucky me , as I’m belgian , I don’t need to book at an hotel . The only think that I need is to drive to Brussels and be early as Cisco offices are in a difficult part of Brussels , so will be awake early . I’m guessing also that the stress will become more intensive so I will have some issues to get a good sleep .

Nevermind , I’m thinking that it is already a good thing and I don’t regret the amount of time that I’ve passed on my studies . Now it is definitively time to see what it is really …

I would like already thank all my co-workers which have been a great help and resources when we were thinking to exercices configuration .

I will keep you updated probably Wednesday morning as tomorrow will be surely a day where i don’t want to touch my computer anymore after the lab .



Day D-7

Here we are , in seven days at this time , I will be sitting in the lab for the first time .

Let’s hope that this attempt will be the good one .

I will keep you informed 🙂

Full Labbing

Hi ,

In order to prepare myself to have a good preparation for the lab , the best that you can do is to lab all the time. Every time that you have the occasion , practise as much as you can .

Now I’m in that phase where I’m taking every little minute to do full lab !!!

Practise is the best that you can do 🙂



During some test reviews , I have encountered the following issue . I was dealing with one UCCX script which must call agent in different location and I was receiving some beeps before to jump in the default script ‘Sorry we are experiencing ….’ .

It was happening only when agents were logged. After looking more deeply , it was impossible to set up an agent in a ready mode at the remote location , they were in a reserved mode.

After some investiguations, I saw that I have forgotten to remove the location bandwidth restriction to test the AAR functionality . So I was hitting the fact that my ICD applications can’t dial any remote agents due to a lack of bandwidth. Removing this restriction of bandwidth has resolved the issue.

But my question was then to see how we can correct this as AAR was configured on my agent phones and you can also specify AAR group under your CTI configurations.

The result is there even if you have the opportunity to configure AAR under your CTI ports . It will not succeed as it is a limitation of UCCX.

So don’t rely on AAR to save your call center script for remote agents!!!