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Certifications | Cisco Collaboration

IPCC Troubleshooting

As in Call Manager, you can specify the level of traces that you want to enable but we will not cover this now. Let’s see the common issues.

Most of the times , issues are due of a mistake with the JTAPI. You can find easily the root cause with the Control Center as it will give you a status of the engine. Then with these status, you can see in which direction you have to go.

  • In-Service : Indicates a full operational mode (all CTI ports, CTI route points and associated applications are successfully initialized)
  • Initializing : Indicates that the subsystem is initializing the CTI route points, ports and associated applications
  • Partial Service : Indicates that the JTAPI subsystem was unable to initialize one or more CTI route points or ports. Most of the time, it is due to a misconfiguration, so check that route points/ports exist , are correctly configured and associated with the JTAPI on Call Manager
  • Out-Of-Service : Indicates that none of the CTI route points and ports were correctly initialized. It can occur for a number of reasons as follows:
    • JTAPI Provider on Call Manager down
    • No CTI ports or route points configured
    • Username/password incorrect
    • CRS is unable to resolve the Call Manager’s DNS name
    • No connectivity between the CRS and Call Manager

IPCC Configuration Steps

Here are some basic steps to perform the configuration of the IPCC:

  1. Configure the JTAPI subsystems (Subsystem>JTAPI) with the Call Manager IP address and username/password . Remind also that if you need redundancy , then you need to configure 2 users.
  2. Configure then a JTAPI call control group. This permits to CRS tocontrol CTI ports to answer calls and so on
  3. Be sure that everything is synchronized between CUCM/CTI Manager and CRS
  4. Configure the CMT which is reponsible of all the media involved
  5. Configure all others subsystems that you need (MRCP ASR, MRCP TTS, HTTP, database, email)
  6. Start the CRS engine
  7. Install and configure all your applications by using your scripts

Remember also that even if you have a redundant IPCC and CTI Manager, only 1 CTI Manager can be active during normal operations.

IPCC Dependencies

We have seen that IPCC is composed of a lot of elments  but don’t forget that IPCC relies on other elements/subsystems as :

  • Cisco Media Termination (CMT) : It is used to configure CMT dialog groups (pools of channels) that handle prompt/response -based DTMF interactions with the callers
  • Core Real time Reporting (CRTR) : It provides information and statistics for contacts, sessions and applications
  • Database : allows connections between the CRS server and IPCC Databases and provide ODBC support
  • Email : allows the CRS engine to send mails
  • Enterprise server : transfers data required fro CAD pop-up
  • HTTP : allows the CRS engine to respond to http requests
  • MCRP ASR : allows scripts to use voice inputs in addition to DTMF inputs
  • MRCP TTS : provides text-to-speech
  • Resource Manager – Contact Manager (RmCm) : allows the monitoring of agents phones , routing/queuing of calls,control of agent states and management of historical reporting
  • Voice Browser : manages the voice browser available only with Nuance ASR activated
  • CRS Voip : allows remote recording and monitoring
  • JTAPI : ensures communication between the CRS engine and the Call Manager/ CTI Manager

ACD Functionalities

As for the IVR , here are the functionalities that ACD can provide depending the licensed package:

  • Basic call routing and queuing like conditional routing and agent selection. In other words , CSQ as a pool of agents or directly to a specific agent.
  • Routing based on skills and compentencies
  • Agent routing based on ready state
  • Capability to dynamically modify and apply CSQ skills and compentencies
  • Prioritized queuing based on customer data
  • Customizable scripting
  • Historical reporting
  • CAD :  Tools for agents to login/logout of the IPCC  and perform tasks as controlling ACD state, controlling calls,displaying information and statistics.
  • IP Phone Agent (IPPA) : XML application which runs on IP Phone and permits the same as the CAD
  • Cisco Supervisor Desktop (CSD) : Allows supervisors to view and change agent state, to monitor calls, to record calls and send messages.

IVR Functionalities

Here are the functionalities that IVR can provide depending the licensed version:

  • Prompting and collecting DTMF input from callers
  • Playing messages to callers
  • Support for Auto-Attendant
  • Real-time notification (email and so on)
  • Basic XML document processing
  • HTTP triggers (events that could initiate an events)
  • Support for JAVA
  • Media Resource Control Protocol (MRCP) : needed to integrate ASR or TTS
  • Voice XML (VXML) 2.0 support for ASR, TTS and DTMF
  • Database integration
  • IVR port call record
  • Remote silent monitoring

IPCC Capabilities : Quick Definitions

Let’s review the three capabilities of the IPCC :

  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) : It is the opportunity to play recorded messages over the phones to users. IVR is then able to react to user input like spoken input or DTMF tones.
  • Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) : It is the ability to provide automatic call routing for incoming calls and the opportunity to send these calls to agents based on their availability or how long they have been idle.
  • Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) : It is the opportunity to provide screen pop to agent desktops during call transfer. these call information provided via the pop-up can be the number dialed, th ANI , information inputs and so on. CTI is also able to interact with windows applications.