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Certifications | Cisco Collaboration

Lab Workbooks

Great , I have received today the first part of the IP Expert workbooks .

At first sight , it looks incredible !

Definitively , it is better that what I can imagine .

Still on documentation researching mode.

Don’t forget that the CCIE Exam is a combination of a written portion and a lab portion , so books can’t make everything as it is not real world.
Labs are very necessary and can be very helpful to prepare the exam.

Also don’t forget that what we are waiting from you is to be the guy who can do everything or more or less 🙂 , so it is not in book that you can learn all these stuffs and people rely on your knowledge and your experience . Your technical approach and view and mostly your speed will be taken in consideration !

I knew very well this point but what are the possibilities ????

CCIE Voice …. Here I am

Welcome to this site which will be a storage point for myself and  any CCIE Voice candidate.

One of my goal is to put everything regarding VOIP which can help me to follow this achievement and can be found easily from everywhere .

After passing my CCVP in June 2009  and some rest during the holidays , I have taken the decision to try to pass the CCIE Voice track as I see that my level is not so bad (I hope it) .

So going back to work in September , I need to postpone this a little as I had a big IPCC implementation in Brampton,ON and it took me a lot of times .

Then back in October , I’m planning to begin my studies …..

It is decided… let’s start