Don’t forget that the CCIE Exam is a combination of a written portion and a lab portion , so books can’t make everything as it is not real world.
Labs are very necessary and can be very helpful to prepare the exam.
Also don’t forget that what we are waiting from you is to be the guy who can do everything or more or less 🙂 , so it is not in book that you can learn all these stuffs and people rely on your knowledge and your experience . Your technical approach and view and mostly your speed will be taken in consideration !
I knew very well this point but what are the possibilities ????
I think that these are the following possibilities :
* Renting Voip rack
* Going in bootcamp
* Build his own lab
Okay , option 1 and option 2 are expensive and requires that you spent specific time . I’m living in Europe so if I need to rent a rack , most of the times it will be for company based in US or India , so I must accomadate with shift to rent these equipment . So I don’t think it’s a good solution
Bootcamp are helpful but are very limited in time , and have you after all the knowledge to pass the exam … not sure … Still need to practise more and more ( it will be something recurring).
So the third approach seems to be a good compromise as you can do what you want when you want .
Okay going back in that direction 🙂
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