Cisco Champions 2017

The first time that I heard about the Cisco Champions program, it was back late in November 2015. At that time, I saw the form to submit his application but probably with...
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Migration to

Hello, As announced last week, I'm in the process of the migration of my old blog to the new portal here (
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SparkBoard Announcements #LeaveYourMark

Yesterday , it was a Cisco Live Broadcast Event where Rowan has introduced the new product SparkBoard and this is completing the Spark product with whiteboard and still...
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New Things are coming on 🙂

Ok back on trail in 2017 , I really need to revamp my blog 🙂 . This is why I will try to jump again on the blog and begin to publish more things in regards with the...
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CCIE Collaboration – Starting blocks

Hi after a long wait , It is now time to start over to study as I need to recertify my IE Voice . So now it is time to study the Collaboration written exam in order to pass it . Let’s start...

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Revamping by Olivier | 17 Feb, 2014 | 0 comments Hi All , You have probably see some works these past days on the blog and I want to apologize for any inconvenience you can have...

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cucm 8.5 , personal directory

hi i have cucm 8.5. when i use personal directory in my ephone i have ” host not found ” error .but when i use cisco soft phone ,i can  log in to personal directory with userID and pin...

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Dhcp with IP phones

Hi, am new on this blog i need some help. I want to integrate IP phones remotely with the CME at the head office using DHCP to give the IP address and the call number. I have tried using the IP...

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Backup :TFTP error

Hi all, Recently, i have upgraded CUCM from version 7.1.3 to 7.1.5.But now i am not able take 100% cucm backup and backup is completing with 86% or 90 % or different percentage.I can see the error...

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