Cisco Champions 2017

The first time that I heard about the Cisco Champions program, it was back late in November 2015. At that time, I saw the form to submit his application but probably with...
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Migration to

Hello, As announced last week, I'm in the process of the migration of my old blog to the new portal here (
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SparkBoard Announcements #LeaveYourMark

Yesterday , it was a Cisco Live Broadcast Event where Rowan has introduced the new product SparkBoard and this is completing the Spark product with whiteboard and still...
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New Things are coming on 🙂

Ok back on trail in 2017 , I really need to revamp my blog 🙂 . This is why I will try to jump again on the blog and begin to publish more things in regards with the...
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TFTP : Quick Definition

TFTP is the part of Call Manager where you store all phone’s configuration so that you are able to retrieve then at the bootup sequence. TFTP IP Address will be communicated to IP Phones via...

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DNS : Quick Definition

DNS is the tool which associate an IP Address with a name, an URL. So using name instead IP Address can also introduce failures because if your DNS down , you can’t resolve anymore IP...

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Network Address Translation – NAT

To work correctly with your voice flows, a NAT device must inspect Layer3 and Layer4 protocol ,port information and sometimes the embedded payload. Cisco IOS NAT ALG can support the following voip...

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Firewalls and Application Layer Gateway – ALG

Firewalls are commonly used to protect networks, including those that transport voice traffic. Firewalls inspect the header and sometimes can inspect also the payload of packets. Stateful firewalls...

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TCP/UDP Port List

Here is as a reminder a collection of TCP/ UDP Ports used in an IP Telephony network: PORT PURPOSE TCP/1433 SQL TCP/2552 Call Manager database change notifications TCP/2555 RIS database server...

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