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Digital PBX Adaptor – DPA | Cisco Collaboration

The digital PBX Adapter (DPA) voice mail gateways are designed to allow integration of Octel voice mail solutions with Call Manager. DPA uses SCCP to communicate with the Call Manager. It converst DTMF tones to SCCP to enable the communication between the Octel voice mail system and Call Manager.

The DPA will appear on the Call Manager as a collection of  24 IP Phones and the 25th is used to transmit MWI commands. DPA voice mail gateways communicate then with the PBX and Octel voice mail system using the 24 stations lines configured.

Note that there are two other alternative methods of integrating Call Manager with the Octel solutions ( or SMDI solutions):

  • Using a direct SMDI connection between Call Manager (uses of the COM port) and the voice mail system with analog FXS/T1 CAS E&M ports gateway (WS-X6624, VG224). On the Call Manager, the CMI service intercept calls forwarded to voice mail and sends then SMDI messages on the COM port to the voice mail system.
  • Using a VG248, and in that case , the Call Manager connects to the VG248 using SCCP. So the VG248 connects diretly to the voice mail system using an async port for SMDI and analog FXS ports.