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SMDI Messages for Direct and Forwarded Calls | Cisco Collaboration

As expalined in the previous post, SMDI messages are a set of ASCII characters and symbols so we can easily understand the structure of the messages.

Direct Calls

<CR><LF> MD “md-num” “md-port” “fwd-type”<0X20>”src-num”<0x20><CR><LF><^Y>

Here is the explanations of all elements

  • <CR> : Carriage Return
  • <LF> : A Line Feed
  • MD “md-num” “md-port” : Message Desk Number (usually 001) and Message Desk Port (a port between 0000 and 9999)
  • Forward-type : Indicates the forwarding type, D is a direct call
  • <0X20> : ASCII space
  • “src-num” : the number of the station from which the call originated (ANI)
  • <^Y> : Control Y

Forwarded Calls

<CR><LF> MD “md-sum” “md-ports” “fwd-type” “fwd-station”<0X20>”src-num”<0X20><LF><^Y>

So the new fields are

  • “fwd-type” : As previously mentionned, this indicates the forward type but in this case, the type can be A (All cals), B ( Busy), N (No-Answer) or U (forwarded for unknown reason)
  • “fwd-station” : The RDNIS (original called party number)