by Olivier | Mar 30, 2010 | GNS3, Lab, Non classé, Uncategorized
After adding some network adaptor (DUB-E100) on my server to make the trunk available for my 3 sites , DOT1Q was not able to work on the config …. Damned I figured out at this point that I could pass my vlan over this link .
After more troubleshooting and thinking, I came to the point to enable ISL instead of DOT1Q , and after this my trunk was really up and useful as it passed now the vlan information ….. woohoo .
Can continue right now on implementation ….
by Olivier | Mar 29, 2010 | CUCM, Lab, Non classé, Uncategorized
Pay attention that normally the order of the partitionins is always L1,L2,L3, D1,D2,D3 , where Lx are the partitions assosiated to the Line model and Dx are the partitions associated to the Device model.
So this order will give you the order/ priority in case of tie-break !
In the case of CTI Route Point or CTI ports , the order is changed by the following D1,D2,D3,L1,L2,L3 …. Please recall this if you are involved in a troubleshooting with these elements !
by Olivier | Mar 23, 2010 | GNS3, Lab, Non classé, Uncategorized
When I have connected my routers defined in GNS3 with a cloud pointing to my network card . HQ was able to access my LAN because it shares the same LAN .But in my Frame-Relay WAN , even if I have all the networks in my routing table , it is impossible for a Branch location to ping something on the real network where you have Windows 7 or Windows Vista machines.
So after some reseach, I have found this interesting note:
Even if it is related to Windows Vista and even if you have some warning , it is applying this little patch. When , you apply under the DOS prompt the following command : netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable . It will create depending on your topology a new rule inside the Firewall “Networking – Echo Request(ICMPv4)”. This rule will be enabled.
In case if you want to revert your manipulation , as the command to revert back present in the previous document is not working , go then top the control center and find the previous created rule or rules and disabled it …
With this patch , you can enable your Windows 7 to icmp request.
by Olivier | Mar 22, 2010 | Lab, Non classé, Progression
Hi ,
I booked my seat for the CCIE Voice Lab in Brussels for the 2th of November of this year. So it is giving me around 7 months to study the exam…But will make an estimation/deadline at the 15th July to see if I can stay the date as it is or not.
So now time to study , 31 weeks before the exam.
by Olivier | Mar 22, 2010 | GNS3, Lab, Non classé, Progression
Yes Definitively , it will be difficult to have dedicated hardware so after more investigations , GNS3 is amazing and can do a bigger part of the job but need again to emulate this on the server so it is taking more resources. Take in mind that you can’t play with DSP so PRI connections and so on.
Think about 5 servers and a router Topology with at least 4 routers ( HQ, Branch 1, Branch 2, PSTN/CME). So it is becoming huge to maintain for hardware resources !!!
by Olivier | Mar 17, 2010 | GNS3, Lab, Non classé, Progression
Ok It is now time to start slowly on the lab again .
As It seems also clear that I will not have specific dedicated hardware , I will also try to push the discovery of GNS3 as we can already simulate a lot with this tool.
So tonight , I will investigate more in GNS3….
Motivation is still here and I will pass my exam before the end of year . Probably end of October or beginning of November .