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Cisco Collaboration | Ksiazek Collab Website

Cisco Champions 2017

The first time that I heard about the Cisco Champions program, it was back late in November 2015. At that time, I saw the form to submit his application but probably with...

Migration to collaboration.ksiazek.be

Hello, As announced last week, I'm in the process of the migration of my old blog http://ccievoice.ksiazek.be to the new portal here ( https://collaboration.ksiazek.be)....

SparkBoard Announcements #LeaveYourMark

Yesterday , it was a Cisco Live Broadcast Event where Rowan has introduced the new product SparkBoard and this is completing the Spark product with whiteboard and still...

New Things are coming on 🙂

Ok back on trail in 2017 , I really need to revamp my blog 🙂 . This is why I will try to jump again on the blog and begin to publish more things in regards with the...


Here is as short recap/representation of the MQC ( Modular QoS CLI) Step #1 : Classify Traffic => CLASS-MAP Step #2 : Assisgn Policies to the traffic classes => POLICY-MAP Step #3 : Apply the...

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An Erlang is defined as 1 hour of conversation. Erlangs = Hours_of_phone_use_in_a_month/22 * 0.15 *1.10 22 represents the number of businness day per month 0,15 represents 15 % of phone system usage...

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DSP Complexity

The higher is the codec complexity  , the fewer number of calls that the DSP can process

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MGCP Transport Layer

MGCP is Master/Slave protocol and MGCP endpoints are controlled by the Control Agent ( Most of the case , it will be the CUCM) MGCP uses the UDP/2427 for its communication between the CUCM and the...

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SCCP/Skinny Transport Layer

As defined for SIP , here are the transport layers used by Skinny/SCCP Protocol: TCP Connection with CUCM UDP Connection between the endpoints SCCP is a Cisco proprietary protocol master/slave...

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