Cisco Champions 2017

The first time that I heard about the Cisco Champions program, it was back late in November 2015. At that time, I saw the form to submit his application but probably with...
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Migration to

Hello, As announced last week, I'm in the process of the migration of my old blog to the new portal here (
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SparkBoard Announcements #LeaveYourMark

Yesterday , it was a Cisco Live Broadcast Event where Rowan has introduced the new product SparkBoard and this is completing the Spark product with whiteboard and still...
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New Things are coming on 🙂

Ok back on trail in 2017 , I really need to revamp my blog 🙂 . This is why I will try to jump again on the blog and begin to publish more things in regards with the...
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Route Plan Hierarchy

Just a little reminder to say that the logical decision to route a call  is based on the following order: Route Pattern => Route List => Route Groups => Gateway . But take also in mind that...

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The call load is referred to as Busy Hour Call Attempts ( BHCA) which is the maximum number of active calls during the busiest hour of the day .

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Pattern * and # reminder

As reminder , don’t forget that in pattern expression , * and # are valid expressions. So in fact you have 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,*,#

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PVID0 Specifications

As we have already seen it before , if the voice gateway is unable to match an inbound leg for the call , your call will take the properties of the PVID0 . Don’t forget that you can’t...

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Outbound Dial Peer leg matching order

As seen with the inbound dial-peer matching , outbound matching is much easier as the dial-peer matches on the destination-pattern expression. Then the outbound will be selected with the port if you...

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