Cisco Champions 2017

The first time that I heard about the Cisco Champions program, it was back late in November 2015. At that time, I saw the form to submit his application but probably with...
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Migration to

Hello, As announced last week, I'm in the process of the migration of my old blog to the new portal here (
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SparkBoard Announcements #LeaveYourMark

Yesterday , it was a Cisco Live Broadcast Event where Rowan has introduced the new product SparkBoard and this is completing the Spark product with whiteboard and still...
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New Things are coming on 🙂

Ok back on trail in 2017 , I really need to revamp my blog 🙂 . This is why I will try to jump again on the blog and begin to publish more things in regards with the...
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Round Robin Queuing

This type of queuing places traffic into multiples queues and packets are removed from these queues in a round-robin fashion which avoids the  protocol-starvation issue that PQ suffered from.(See PQ...

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Priority Queuing

This type of queuing places traffic into one of four queues. Each queue has a different level of priority and higher priority queues must be emptied before packets are emptied from lower priority...

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FIFO Queuing

FIFO stands for First In First Out . So you can easily understand the meaning of this queuing mechanism : The first packet in the queue is the fisrt packet which will be sent out of the queue. FIFO...

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General Queuing Definition

Queuing issometimes reerredto as congestion management as it identifies how trafic from multiple streams is sent out of an interface which is currentlyexperiencing congestion. In other words, the...

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