Starting CCIE voice preparation-need pointers

HI All,

I am a CCIE in R&S, Planning to go for ccie voice.

I will be starting from scratch as i have no knowledge in voice domain.

So, Pointers like what all topics, books or VOD’s i shall start with would be highly appreciated.

Also, there are a number of study materials available currently in the market like IP expert, INE etc etc.

Which one is the BEST?

Looking forward to replies/suggestions.


Avinash Kumar

CCIE#21281 ( R&S )

PSTN simulation

Is it possible to build PSTN simulation with two cisco 3640 routers ? Each 3640 has 1xNM-2V , 1x VIC-2FXS , 1xNM-HDV with VWIC-1MFT-T1. purpose is to simulate two PSTN CO connecting over T1 trunk.


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